Robert A. French, P.E.
Mr. French has served as the Principal-in-Charge and Senior Project Manager on projects involving asbestos and lead paint consulting services at EHS-Alaska, Inc. during the past 37 years.

Robert A. French, P.E.
President, EHS-Alaska, Inc., Board of Directors
Mr. French has thirty-seven years’ experience as a mechanical design engineer specializing in hazards identification, hazards abatement design, and indoor air quality. Mr. French’s experience includes preparation of survey strategies, specifications, bid evaluation, project planning, construction inspection and contract administration. As a Senior Project Manager at EHS-Alaska, Mr. French has managed the Hazardous Materials Professional Services Contract with the Anchorage School District since 1992. The Architectural/Engineering design community in Anchorage and throughout Alaska rely on his vast knowledge of the likely presence of hazardous materials in various ages of buildings, and their impacts on construction projects.
Mr. French’s projects at EHS-Alaska include hazardous materials project management for housing complexes, schools, hospitals, industrial facilities, Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plans (SPCC) for drilling rigs at Prudhoe Bay and projects requiring the renovation of complex mechanical systems. Mr. French has acted as project manager for hazardous building materials projects requiring coordination between owners, regulators, governmental entities, workers, and citizens throughout Alaska.
Professional Certifications
Professional Engineer #9128
Professional Qualifications
EPA/AHERA Project Designer (originally certified 1990)
EPA/AHERA Building Inspector (originally certified 1988)
EPA/AHERA Management Planner (originally certified 1988)
Alaska DOL Asbestos Abatement (originally certified 1987)
Certified Heuresis XRF Operator (originally certified 1999)
Corps of Engineers Construction Quality Management for Contractors
Association Member
Society of American Military Engineers
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
National Federation of Independent Businesses
Mineralogical Society of America
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara
Mr. French’s knowledge of mechanical systems, building construction, and industrial hygiene factors are key to EHS-Alaska’s ability to find, quantify, explain and resolve indoor air quality issues in a cost effective and timely manner.
A recognized expert in the area of asbestos identification, he is regularly consulted by architects, engineers, building owners, municipal official, and lawyers. He consults regularly with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and was a presenter at the 2011 ASTM Johnson Conference on Issues in Asbestos held in Burlington, Vermont. Mr. French serves on the ASTM D22.07 sub-committee on Asbestos Sampling and Analysis.
Mr. French is President of the EHS-Alaska Board of Directors. He has served as President of the Government Hill Community Council and, more recently has been working as a member of the Friends of Nike Site Summit (FONSS) in conjunction with the Municipality of Anchorage, Army and State and Federal Historical Building Commissions. Mr. French is currently serving on the Community Advisory Committee for AMATS, the transportation Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Anchorage Bowl and Chugiak-Eagle River area.
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Engineering, Health and Safety Consulting
11901 Business Blvd. Suite 208, Eagle River, AK 99577
Open Hours
M-F: 8am – 6pm