Fisher G. Gandel


Mr. Gandel is a recent graduate returning to his home state post-education. He brings a wealth of technical experience, writing skills, and AutoCAD drafting expertise while training to become a hazardous materials inspector.

Fisher G. Gandel

AutoCAD/Field Technician

Mr. Gandel graduated from Johns Hopkins University in 2023 with his B.S. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. He diverged from the pack by completing unique independent studies into industrial hazards, their history in the U.S, and prevention, presenting those findings at the American Chemical Society’s yearly conference.

Mr. Gandel assists at all stages of hazardous material surveys, including reviewing “As-Built” drawings, preparing site floor plans, collecting samples, managing chain of custodies, and completing AutoCAD Abatement drawings, calculating quantities and showing sample locations.

He is a skilled AutoCAD technician with an efficient workflow and a knack for troubleshooting AutoCAD’s many eccentricities when they arise.

Professional Certifications

AK Asbestos Abatement Certificate of Fitness #20241023

EPA/AHERA Building Inspector #T-31317-45276

Education: B.S. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Johns Hopkins University: 2023

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Engineering, Health and Safety Consulting

11901 Business Blvd. Suite 208, Eagle River, AK 99577

Open Hours

M-F: 8am – 6pm